- <IMG attribute1 attribute2>
Places an inline image into the document.
- Attributes:
- SRC="..."--Specifies the URL of the image.
- DYNSRC="..."--Specifies the URL of a video clip or VRML world. An image can also be specified first using SRC= to cover for browsers that do not support videos. (IE)
- CONTROLS--Adds a set of controls under the video clip. (IE)
- LOOP="n"--For video clips, specifies the number of times to loop the clip. A value of "-1" or "INFINITE" makes it loop indefinitely. (IE)
- START="..."--Specifies when the video clip should start playing. Possible values are "FILEOPEN" (default), "MOUSEOVER", or both. (IE)
- USEMAP="#map1" --Tells the browser that the image is a client-side clickable image map defined under the name "map1".
- ISMAP --Tells the browser that the image is a server-side clickable image map.
- ALT="..."--Specifies a text string to be displayed on browsers that do not support inline images.
- BORDER="..."--Specifies the width of the border drawn around the image. If BORDER is set to "0", there will be no border even around pictures that are links.
- LOWSRC="..."--Specifies the URL of an image to be loaded first, before the image specified in SRC is loaded. LOWSRC usually reefers to a smaller image.
- ALIGN="..."--Specifies the alignment of the image.
- RIGHT or LEFT--Aligns the image to the specified side of the page, and all text is wrapped around the image.
- TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, TEXTTOP, ABSMIDDLE, BASELINE, and ABSBOTTOM--Specifies the vertical alignment of the image with other items on the same line.
- VSPACE="..."--Specifies the space left between the edge of the image and the items above or below it.
- HSPACE="..."--Specifies the space left between the edge of the image and the items to the left or right of it.
- WIDTH="..."--Specifies the width of the image. If the width is not the actual width, the image is scaled to fit.
- HEIGHT="..."--Same as above ,except it specifies the height of the image.
- <MAP attribute>...< /MAP>
Specifies a collection of hot spots that define a client-side image map. The AREA tag can be used inside to define the hot spots.- Attributes:
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the map so that it can be referred to later.
- <AREA attribute1 attribute2>...< /AREA>
Specifies the shape and size of a hot spot to be used in the definition of a client-side image map. Used inside the MAP tag.- Attributes:
- SHAPE="..."--Specifies the shape of the hot spot. Possible values are RECT, RECTANGLE, CIRC, CIRCLE, POLY, or POLYGON.
- COORDS="..."--Specifies the coordinates that define the hot spot's position. Two pairs of coordinates are needed for RECT, three or more pairs for POLY, and one pair of coordinates and a radius for CIRC.
- HREF="..."--Specifies the URL that this hot spot points to.
- NOHREF--Indicates that this hot spot points to nothing.
- TARGET="..."--Specifies which window the link will be loaded into. The target can be a name of a frame that you specified in the FRAME tag or one of the following:
- "_blank"--Loads the link into a new blank window.
- "_parent"--Loads the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in.
- "_self"--Loads the link into the same window. (default)
- "_top"--Loads the link into the full body of the current window.
- <BGSOUND attribute1 attribute2> (IE)
Specifies a background sound to be played whenever the page is loaded. This "soundtrack" can be either a sample (.wav or .au) or midi (.mid) file.
- Attributes:
- SRC="..."--Specifies the URL of the sound to be played.
- LOOP="n"--Specifies the number of times the sound will loop. Values of "-1" or "INFINITE" make the sound loop indefinitely.
- <MARQUEE attribute1 attribute2>...< /MARQUEE> (IE)
Places a scrolling text marquee into the document.
- Attributes:
- ALIGN="..."-- Possible values of "TOP", "MIDDLE", or "BOTTOM". Specifies the alignment of the text around the marquee with respect to the marquee.
- BEHAVIOR="..."--Possible values of "SCROLL" (default), "SLIDE", or "ALTERNATE". Specifies the behavior of the marquee text. "SCROLL" is the default, "SLIDE" makes the text start from off the screen and then stick, "ALTERNATE" makes the text alternate back and forth repeatedly.
- BGCOLOR="..."--Specifies the background color of the marquee.
- DIRECTION="..."--Possible values are "LEFT" (default) or "RIGHT". Specifies the direction for the text to scroll.
- HEIGHT="..."--Specifies the height of the marquee in number of pixels or % of screen.
- HSPACE="n"--Specifies the left and right margins of the outside of the marquee in pixels.
- LOOP="n"--Specifies the number of times the marquee will loop. Values of "-1" or "INFINITE" make the marquee loop indefinitely.
- SCROLLAMOUNT="n"--Specifies the number of pixels between each successive draw of the marquee text.
- SCROLLDELAY="n"--Specifies the number of milliseconds between each successive draw of the marquee text.
- VSPACE="n"--Specifies the top and bottom margin for the outside of the marquee.
- WIDTH="..."--Specifies the width of the marquee either in pixel or in a percentage of the screen.
- <APPLET attribute1 attribute2> parameter1 parameter2 ... < /APPLET>
Inserts a Java applet in the HTML document. Any text placed between the opening and closing APPLET tags will be displayed by browsers that do not support JAVA.
- Attributes:
- ALIGN="..."-- Possible values of "LEFT", "RIGHT", "TOP", "MIDDLE", or "BOTTOM". Specifies the alignment of the text around the object with respect to the object.
- ALT="..."--Specifies the text to be displayed by browsers that recognize the tag but cannot show applets.
- CODE="..."--Specifies the name of the Java applet.
- CODEBASE="..."--Specifies the base address of the applet. The directory in which the applet is located.
- DOWNLOAD=n--Specifies an order in which images are downloaded.
- HIGHT="..."--Specifies the height of the applet in number of pixels or % of screen.
- HSPACE="n"--Specifies the left and right margins of the outside of the applet in pixels.
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the applet instance, in case there are more than one of the same applet on the page.
- VSPACE="n"--Specifies the top and bottom margin for the outside of the applet.
- WIDTH="..."--Specifies the width of the applet either in pixel or in a percentage of the screen.
- Parameters:
These are the applet-specific parameters that are passed as arguments to the program. They are specified as tags within the APPLET tag as follows: <PARAM NAME="..." VALUE="..." >
- <EMBED attribute1 attribute2>< /EMBED>
Inserts an embedded multimedia object, such as a sound file or video, into the page. In the future, when the OBJECT tag becomes finalized and well supported, this tag will be obsolete.
- Attributes:
- AUTOSTART="..."--Specifies whether the file starts playing right away or not. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
- HIGHT="..."--Specifies the height of the display in number of pixels or % of screen.
- LOOP="..."--Specifies whether the file repeats or not. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the object, in case there are other objects that refer to this one.
- SRC="..."--Specifies the location of the object file.
- WIDTH="..."--Specifies the width of the display either in pixel or in a percentage of the screen.
- <SCRIPT attribute> ...script statements... < /SCRIPT>
Encloses scripting language statements to be executed by the browser. To ensure backward compatibility, enclose the script statements in comment tags (<!-- ... -->)
- Attributes:
- LANGUAGE="..."--Specifies which language is being used in the script such as "VBScript" or "JavaScript".
- SRC="..."--Specifies the location of a file containing the script. This can be used if you don't want the code to be on the same HTML file.
- LANGUAGE="..."--Specifies which language is being used in the script such as "VBScript" or "JavaScript".
Encloses anything you want displayed by browsers that do not support inline scripts. These go inside the SCRIPT tags.
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