- <FORM attribute1="..." attribute2="...">.....< /FORM>
Specifies a form. Forms can be used to send user input to the server in the form of NAME/VALUE pairs.-
- ACTION="..."--Specifies the address to be used in carrying out the action of the form. Usually the address of the CGI file. You can also specify a mailto address to have the contents of the form emailed to you instead of getting passed to the server. (in future browsers)
- METHOD="..."--Specifies the method used by the server in sending the form information. Possible values are POST or GET. When GET is used, the server simply appends the arguments to the end of the action address. With POST, the information is sent as an HTTP post transaction.
- TARGET="..."--Specifies which window the result of the form will be loaded into. The target can be a name of a frame that you specified in the FRAME tag or one of the following:
- "_blank"--Loads the result into a new blank window.
- "_parent"--Loads the result into the immediate parent of the document the form is in.
- "_self"--Loads the result into the same window. (default)
- "_top"--Loads the result into the full body of the current window.
- ENCTYPE="..."--For future browser. Specifies the type of encoding to use on the form information.
- <INPUT attribute1="..." attribute2="...">
Specifies a control or input area for a form, from which a NAME/VALUE pair will be returned to the server.-
- ALIGN="..."--If the TYPE is IMAGE, then this specifies the alignment of the surrounding text with the image. Possible values are TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT.
- CHECKED--Use this attribute in a RADIO or CHECKBOX type, and it will be pre-selected when the form loads.
- MAXLENGTH="..."--Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a text input.
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the control or input area. (Part of the NAME/VALUE pair)
- SIZE="..."--Specifies the size of the text entry area that is displayed by the browser.
- SRC="..."--If the TYPE is IMAGE, then this specifies the address of the image to be used.
- VALUE="..."--Specifies the value to be submitted along with the corresponding name(Part of the NAME/VALUE pair). Specifies the default text string for TEXT. For RESET and SUBMIT, this specifies the text string to be displayed on the 3-D button.
- TYPE="..."--Specifies the type of control being used.
Possible types:
- CHECKBOX--Creates a checkbox. If the user checks it, the corresponding name/value pair is sent to the server.
- HIDDEN--Nothing is displayed by the browser, but the information is still sent to the server.
- IMAGE--Like the SUBMIT type, you can have the form sent immediately when the user clicks on an image. Along with the normal information, when a from is submitted by clicking on an image, the coordinates of the clicked point (measured in pixels from the upper-left corner of the image) are also sent. The x-coordinate is submitted with a ".x" appended to the name and the y-coordinate has a ".y" appended to the name.
- PASSWORD--Creates a single line entry text box just like the TEXT type, however, user input is not echoed on the screen.
- RADIO--Creates a radio list of alternatives of which only one can be selected. Each alternative must have the same name, but different values can be assigned to each.
- RESET--Creates a 3-D button that clears the entire form to original values when clicked. You can give the button a name by using the VALUE attribute.
- SUBMIT--Creates a 3-D button that submits the form when clicked. You can give the button a name by using the VALUE attribute.
- TEXT--Creates a single line text entry box. You can specify the size of the text box by using the SIZE attribute.
- <SELECT attribute1="..." attribute2="...">< /SELECT>
Creates a drop-down list of items. The list items are defined by the OPTION tags placed inside the opening and closing SELECT tag.-
- MULTIPLE--Specifies that multiple items may be selected.
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the list(Part of the NAME/VALUE pair).
- SIZE="..."--Specifies how many items should be visible.
<OPTION value="..."> item
Specifies an item in the drop down list. Placed within the opening and closing SELECT tags. Any text following the OPTION tag is what the user will see in the list.
- VALUE="..."--Specifies the value to be returned (Part of the NAME/VALUE pair).
- SELECTED--This item will already be highlighted when the page loads.
- <TEXTAREA attribute1="..." attribute2="...">...< /TEXTAREA>
Creates a multi-lined text entry box. Any text placed in between the tags is used as the default text string that is displayed when the page is loaded.-
- COLS="..."--Specifies how wide the text box will be.
- ROWS="..."--Specifies how high the text box will be.
- NAME="..."--Specifies the name of the text box for use by the program that is processing the form.
- WRAP="..."--Specifies how text will wrap. Possible values are "HARD", "SOFT", or "NONE".
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