- <LI attribute>
Used to mark text as a list item in any of the following list types: <DIR> , <MENU> , <OL> , or <UL> .-
- TYPE="..."--Specifies the type of bullet used to label the item. Possible values are: DISC, CIRCLE, SQUARE, A, a, I, i, 1.
- VALUE="..."--Specifies the number assigned to the item.
- <DIR>...< /DIR>
Puts the enclosed items marked with <LI> , in a directory listing.
- <MENU>...< /MENU>
Puts the enclosed items marked with <LI> , in a menu list.
- <OL attribute>...< /OL>
Puts the enclosed items marked with <LI> , in a numbered list.-
- TYPE="..."--Specifies the type of numbering used to label the item. Possible values are: A, a, I, i, 1.
- START="..."--Specifies the starting value for the numbering.
- <UL attribute>...< /UL>
Puts the enclosed items marked with <LI> , in a bulleted list.-
- TYPE="..."--Specifies the type of bullet used to label the item. Possible values are: DISC, CIRCLE, SQUARE.
- <DL>...< /DL>
Creates a definition list. Within this container, <DT> specifies a definition term and <DD> specifies the definition.
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