General Formatting
Encloses the signature file of the author of the page. Text is displayed in italics.
- <B>...< /B>
Boldfaces the enclosed text.
- <BIG>...< /BIG>
Makes the enclosed text one size larger.
- <BLINK>.....< /BLINK>
Makes the enclosed text blink continually.
Encloses a long quote. Both the left and right margins are indented.
- <BR>
Inserts a line break.
- CLEAR="..."--Causes the text to stop flowing around any images.
Possible values are RIGHT, LEFT, or ALL.
- CLEAR="..."--Causes the text to stop flowing around any images.
- <CENTER>.....< /CENTER>
Centers the enclosed elements. This tag will center everything including images, text, tables, forms, etc.
- <CITE>.....< /CITE>
Encloses a citation such as the title of a book or paper.
- <CODE>.....< /CODE>
Encloses a sample of code. The text is rendered in small font.
Encloses a comment. Text inside the tags is ignored unless it contains HTML code.
- <DFN>.....< /DFN>
Encloses a definition. Text inside the tags is formatted to look like a definition.
- <DIV ALIGN=">...< /DIV>
Specifies the alignment of the enclosed elements. Can be used to divide a document into sections that are aligned differently. In future browsers, more attributes will probably be supported.-
- ALIGN="..."--Sets the alignment of the division. Possible values are "center", "right", or "left".
- <EM>...< /EM>
Emphasis on the enclosed text (Italics).
- <FONT attribute=">...< /FONT>
Sets the font properties for the enclosed text.-
- SIZE="..."--Sets the size of the font to any number between 1 and 7 with 3 being default. relative sizes also work, e.g. SIZE=+2 .
- COLOR="..."--Specifies the color of the font.
- FACE="..."--Specifies the face of the font. A list can be defined (separated by commas) and the browser will use the first one available on that computer.
- <HR attribute1="..." attribute2="...">
Inserts a horizontal line.-
- SIZE="..."--Specifies the thickness of the line.
- COLOR="..."--Specifies the color of the line. (IE)
- WIDTH="..."--Specifies the length of the line as a percentage of the screen. e.g. WIDTH=90% .
- ALIGN="..."--Specifies the alignment of the line: RIGHT, LEFT, or CENTER.
- NOSHADE--The line is drawn solid.
- <I>...< /I>
The enclosed text is italics.
- <KBD>...< /KBD>
Specifies text to be entered at the keyboard. Text is rendered as bold and fixed-width.
Displays text in fixed-width type. Obsolete -- use the PRE tag instead.
Displays text in columns.-
- COLS="..."--Specifies the number of columns to use.
- GUTTER="..."--Specifies the number of pixels between each column.
- WIDTH="..."-- Specifies the width of the columns as a whole.
- <NOBR>.....< /NOBR>
Causes the enclosed text to not wrap to fit the screen.
- <P attribute>...< /P>
Designates the enclosed text as a plain paragraph. The end tag is optional.-
- ALIGN="..."--Specifies the alignment for the paragraph. Possible values are "center", "left", or "right".
Displays text in fixed-width type without processing most HTML tags. Obsolete -- use the PRE tag instead.
- <PRE>.....< /PRE>
Displays text in fixed-width type without collapsing spaces.
- <S>.....< /S>
Displays text with a line through it. The <STRIKE> tag does exactly the same.
- <SAMP>...< /SAMP>
Indicates sample output from a form or program. Text is rendered in small font.
- <SMALL>...< /SMALL>
Makes the enclosed text one size smaller.
- <SPACER attribute>...< /SPACER> (Netscape)
Inserts blocks of spaces into HTML documents.-
- ALIGN="..."--When TYPE=BLOCK, this specifies the alignment of the surrounding text.
- RIGHT or LEFT--Aligns the block of space to the specified side of the page, and all text is wrapped around the block.
- TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, TEXTTOP, ABSMIDDLE, BASELINE, and ABSBOTTOM--Specifies the vertical alignment of the block of space with other items on the same line.
- HEIGHT="..."--When TYPE=BLOCK, this specifies the height of the block.
- SIZE="..."--When TYPE=HORIZONTAL, or VERTICAL, this specifies the size of the space.
- TYPE="..."--Specifies the type of space being inserted.
- HORIZONTAL--Inserts blank spaces between words.
- VERTICAL--Inserts spaces between two lines.
- BLOCK--Inserts a rectangular block of space, much like the IMG tag.
- WIDTH="..."--When TYPE=BLOCK, this specifies the width of the block.
- ALIGN="..."--When TYPE=BLOCK, this specifies the alignment of the surrounding text.
Stronger emphasis on the enclosed text (bold).
- <SUB>...< /SUB>
Renders the enclosed text in subscript.
- <SUP>...< /SUP>
Renders the enclosed text in superscript.
- <TT>...< /TT>
The enclosed text is typewriter font.
- <U>...< /U>
The enclosed text in underlined. Try to avoid this since underlined text usually indicates a link.
- <VAR>...< /VAR>
Specifies a variable. Text is rendered in small fixed-width type.
- <WBR>
Causes text enclosed by the NOBR tags to wrap only if necessary.
- <XMP>...< /XMP>
Causes enclosed text to be displayed by the browser without processing most HTML tags. Obsolete -- use the PRE tag instead.
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